Fresh Start Diabetes - User Guide

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Introduction to Fresh Start Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the biggest health and care challenges facing the North West London Health and Care Partnership (NWL HCP). North West London ICS has defined diabetes as one of the key priorities to address as part of COVID and system recovery, and has approved an integrated diabetes service for diabetes care in order to improve patient outcomes and experience, reduce costs and improve clinician experience.

COVID-19 has defined new pathways of care including digital channels and remote consultations, and this, together with the growing evidence base for group consultations in long-term conditions (particularly diabetes) has shaped the fresh start diabetes service. Group consultations now form a core part of the service delivery model for type 2 diabetes in primary care, with a mandate for primary care networks to support this.

The platform service designed by Inhealthcare will allow NWL HCP to provide the service to a far greater audience while requiring less over-all administration from staff members. It will automate various parts of the service and therefore reduce the time that staff need to spend on the service while also ensuring that patients receive a consistent experience across the board.

Last Updated:
Contributors: River Grant